
Friday, November 15, 2019 1485

The value of innovation

A few days ago, Merck &Co got the approval by EMEA (the European Medicines Agency) of Ervebo. Ervebo is the first vaccine to come to market against the Ebola virus. It is already been used experimentally with healthcare workers treating the virus in Africa, and as well, with people who have been in direct touch with infected people.

Sunday, December 08, 2019 1421

The glass ceiling             

Yesterday I came across an article in a Spanish newspaper about unconscious bias and how to become aware of it. Unconscious bias training has been around large multinational corporations for a few years now, so it´s good news that it is finally trickling down to local companies and the general public.

It is important for our employees and our leaders to be aware and try to compensate for their unconscious biases… we all have plenty and they become red lines in our lives, which probably would be richer if we were better at managing them.